Friday 28 March 2014

Shortcut to deactivate Twitter account permanently

In order to deactivate your Twitter account permanently you need to follow steps below.
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You can also find Deactivate your account” button at the bottom of the account setting page. Now you need to sign in your Twitter account.
  • Sign in to your Twitter account.
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Is this goodbye? Your user data will be deleted permanently after 30 days of deactivation of account. 

  • Click “Deactivate @YourUsername”
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To deactivate your Twitter account you need to re-enter your password. 
  • Re-enter your password. 
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Your Twitter account has been deactivated and will be closed after 30 days of deactivation.
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 You can reactivate your Twitter account within the next 30 days by just loggig in, after that your user data will be erased and account will be closed permanently.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Delete your Facebook account in just a minute

If you don't need your Facebook account any more, no problem. You can delete your Facebook account permanently in just a minute. Follow some easy steps below. 
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You will be asked for sign in to your Facebook account. 
  • Sign in to your Facebook account.
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Facebook will ask you to review your decisions and warn you that you will not be able to reactivate your Facebook account and you will lose all data and information you added. Also you will not be able to manage pages and groups you owned.
  • Click “Delete My Account”
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Facebook will ask you to enter your password again. Enter your password and CAPTCHA word to take the final step in order to delete your Facebook account permanently.
  • Enter your password and CAPTCHA word and click “Okey”
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You've done.

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Your Facebook account has been deactivated and scheduled for deletion. You will have the option to cancel your request and reactivate your account within the next 14 days. After that your account will be closed permanently. 

Sunday 23 February 2014

Easiest way to delete your Google+ profile, Gmail or Google account

If you have decided to delete your Google+ profile, Gmail or Google account, follow the easiest way to delete your Google account along with all services associated with it.
  • Sign in to your Google account.
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Click down-arrow beside your profile photo, top corner on the right.
  • Click “Account”
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  • Click “Data tool” second last option on the top bar.
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In “Account Management” section, there are three option to manage your account. If you want to delete only Google+ profile and features then select the first option “Delete Google+ profile and features”. Select the third option “Delete products” to delete various Google products such as Gmail or any other service you subscribed. Select “Delete account and data” to delete Google account along with all services associated with it.

  • Click “Delete account and data”

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Check  “Web History”, “Gmail”,  “Yes, I want to delete my account.” and  “Yes, I acknowledge that I am still responsible for any changes incurred due to any pending transaction and I understand that and certain circumstances my earning won't be paid out.”

  • Enter your password and click  “DELETE GOOGLE ACCOUNT

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You've done. Your Google account has been deleted.
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Your action is unrecoverable after a certain period of time.

Monday 17 February 2014

How to close Outlook account permanently

If you have decided to delete your Outlook account permanently, read the cons of deleting Outlook account carefully. You will lose the access to Skype, SkyDrive, XBox Live and all other services of Microsoft associated with your account. If you are still committed to close your Outlook account permanently, follow the steps below.

  • Sign in to your Outlook account.
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Click your name, profile, top corner on the right.

  • Click “Account Settings”

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  • Click “Close Account”

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Read out what happens when you close your Outlook account permanently.

  • Verify your password and click next.

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You need to deactivate your Outlook account, it will be closed permanently after a period of inactivity. (365 days)

  • Click “deactivate your or Hotmail account”

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You have to tell Microsoft why are you deactivating your Outlook account. Give a reason or choose “Other”.

  • Click “Deactivate account”

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You've done.
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If you have subscriptions as ad-free Outlook, XBox Live etc, you need to cancel all of them before deactivate your account. You also need to cancel paid services or Microsoft points associated with your Microsoft account. 

Wednesday 12 February 2014

How to close your Yahoo account permanently

In order to close your Yahoo account, follow the steps below.
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It will ask you to sign in your Yahoo account.

  • Sign in to your Yahoo account.

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After sign in, it will request you to review your decision. Before continuing, read the cons of deleting a Yahoo account carefully.
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If you're sure that you really don't need your Yahoo account any more then confirm your password in the field provided and enter the CAPTCHA word to take the final step to delete your Yahoo account.
  • Click Terminate this Account.
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You've done. Your Yahoo account has been deactivated and scheduled for deletion. It will take up to 90 days. 

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The deletion process is able to be reversed and you can reactivate your Yahoo account within the next 90 days, after that it will be removed permanently.