Wednesday 12 February 2014

How to close your Yahoo account permanently

In order to close your Yahoo account, follow the steps below.
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It will ask you to sign in your Yahoo account.

  • Sign in to your Yahoo account.

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After sign in, it will request you to review your decision. Before continuing, read the cons of deleting a Yahoo account carefully.
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If you're sure that you really don't need your Yahoo account any more then confirm your password in the field provided and enter the CAPTCHA word to take the final step to delete your Yahoo account.
  • Click Terminate this Account.
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You've done. Your Yahoo account has been deactivated and scheduled for deletion. It will take up to 90 days. 

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The deletion process is able to be reversed and you can reactivate your Yahoo account within the next 90 days, after that it will be removed permanently.

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